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DRIP........ DRIP........ DRIP........ !!!

The air con in the bedroom has been dripping all night - I had to put a bowl to catch it and there was quite a lot of water in there this morning. I have had Ian up the ladder this morning but he has no idea what the problem is. Last year I remember another one of our air con units leaked and Ian managed to fix that somehow but he doesn't know what he did. Can anyone please help I do not wan't another sleepless night listening to the constant DRIP DRIP DRIP. Many thank's x

La Marina

Does anybody have any idea what we can do to stop the drip drip drip please ????

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-08 08:46:07 UTC

Carol...ours drips and runs down the wall...what i found though is if you keep it above 20 it did not drip plus, if we had a window open or there was air coming from outside it dripped for some reason..dont know if this info will help but it did us

Commented Andi in La Marina 2011-07-08 09:50:00 UTC

Nice to hear you need air conditioning you want to come here in the pouring rain hasn't got fully light today yet and it's 11.30

Commented Eddie in La Marina 2011-07-08 10:12:17 UTC

I think I had the setting on at about 26 dg all night, and there were no windows open. It didn't drip previous years. I do not really want to have a bucket in the bedroom all summer and to hear drip drip drip all night. Thank's for trying but not really any help !!

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-08 11:35:04 UTC

¿ So where are all these DIY experts thought a lot of you would of been back with ideas. Even if you do not normally post this should be an easy one Lads??????

Commented Daisy in La Marina 2011-07-08 14:45:04 UTC

When our Air Con is on, it drips, but it goes through a tube to outside, where we have it running into a bottle.

The company we used is by the kitchen specialists and the George Pub, they are very good, also apparently, if you use air con it should be serviced annual and sometimes needs to be re-gased too.

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-08 16:14:43 UTC

You should have the filters in the A/C cleaned / cleared every year, but normally its not needed to refill the gas every year. Thats something that should be done every 3-4 years max.
If it drips its because the condense from the A/C unit comes BACK into the A/C and it can be that the tubing has a defect - the water should never end up on the inside of your house. Always on the outside.

I would recommend that you contact James on telephone number: 677 103 503. He installed my A/C at home and they are very professional. Tommy

Commented cybertommy75 in La Marina 2011-07-08 16:22:01 UTC

Tommy does he charge for a call out plus, is he fair with his prices and does he do gaurentees

Commented Andi in La Marina 2011-07-08 17:00:46 UTC

That's a very good point Andi, as we certainly do not intend to get ripped off for a leak !! We probably need all 3 of our air con units looking at or servicing or whatever.
SO, Tommy does James charge for a call out Plus doing the work ?? Thank's

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-08 17:08:08 UTC

to ANDI: andi21982

All I know is that I paid a fair price for the installation. The work they did was very professional and my A/C is running like clockwork. They also installed the A/C in our shop, and you really have to call them and ask them what and if they charge for out calls - because I have no idea. But if it was me, I would ask them to come and have a look at it. They are coming to my house on tuesday again to install another A/C unit in one of my guest bedrooms, so for sure tuesday they are in La Marina. Call them and ask.

Commented cybertommy75 in La Marina 2011-07-08 17:09:13 UTC

We had the same thing - it sounds as though you have a blockage in the out pipe - check for kinks in pipe work, use a metal coat hanger to see if you have blockages - best solution to to get a wet/dry vacuum on the out flow pipe and suck the blockage out - we used an airline, but not many people have them - its got nothing to do with what temp you have it set at

Commented Souxie in La Marina 2011-07-08 18:19:25 UTC

I will call him monday mid-morning and see what he has to say, no harm in finding out.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2011-07-08 18:24:52 UTC

I had the same problem recently. it turned out that the outlet tube was blocked.

Commented bonnie in La Marina 2011-07-08 23:03:38 UTC

Another night of Drip Drip Dripping. When I first turned the air con on last night it was fine for about half an hour, then just as I snuggled down.......drip drip drip. Thank you for all your suggestions. I will get Ian up the ladder outside later on to see if there is a blockage anywhere before we have to go to a lot of expense getting somebody out to look at it. Thank's Everyone!

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-09 07:05:14 UTC

Carol," I will get Ian up the ladder outside later on" do we really need to know this ? xx

Commented Robert in La Marina 2011-07-09 07:28:03 UTC

1)you can try is increasing the temperature setting to around 24 degress, as it is a bit humid at the moment the amount of condensation being produced can overwhelm the water collection tray and over flow.
2) Check the inside unit is level on the wall as the drain flows to one side of the unit.
3) check the drainage is pipe is clear and un kinked (afraid the simplist way is a quick suck!
4)Check the condition of the drainage pipes, alot of companies use the cheap drain pipes supplied with the units and after a period of time UV light breaks them down.
5)Check where the water is draining into as if its running into a full water bottle, for example, this can then back up into the unit.

Hope this helps

Commented Steve in La Marina 2011-07-09 12:09:04 UTC

My Mum in Law had same problem today - I went and cl;eaned her filters and used a wet/dry vacuum up the outisde pipes and cleared some debris - all now ok - try this first - dont want to spend money without having to - good luck x

Commented Souxie in La Marina 2011-07-09 17:32:10 UTC

Hip Hip Hooray Everyone !!
Ian got up the ladder yesterday and a very small pipe that leads from the inside air con to the outside unit had got blocked and when he moved it he got covered in water. SO, NO drip drip drip last night. That you all very much for your replies - most appreciated and it's saved us a lot of expense !!

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-10 07:17:45 UTC

Glad Ian sorted your bid drip Carol hee hee, but just incase you need it the company I was on ablt is Simply Aircon x

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-11 08:35:56 UTC


Just to inform all of our customers that our phones are currently down but any bookings can be made via our website using the "Contact Form". Thanks



We had a lovey meal last night at Giovanni´s restaurant in Almoradi. The food was nice and the atmosphere and company was good as well. The restaurant was very busy which is good to see and it seems that the summer season has really kicked in. Would definately recommend it for a nice ocassion and the price is reasonable as well.

Posted less than a minute ago by john



Can anyone please tell me where the stray/abandoned animals are now actually being taken to? Thanks.

La Marina

Hi Irene,
Much has been said on this subject and the councillors and their staff are leading people to believe that all animals are taken to SATS however I have received an email from Julia, SATS kennel manager stating that they are NOT the ones San Fulgencio have a contract with to collect strays from our streets, if you go to the police and ask them as I did they will tell you the new councillors told them to contact Cereco in Crevillente when an animal is found.

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-10 13:13:29 UTC

Don't hold your breath but Jeff, our local Urb councillor promised almost four weeks ago, in this forum, that the animal ambulance would be returned to K9 and its volunteers with the minimum of delay.
I have not seen it! Has anyone else seen it?
If Jeff has promised it then assume that it is back in service?
Jeff would never let us down.
My new motto is: "If jeff has said it then it is a fact" or can both he and I be wrong?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-10 17:25:11 UTC

Can anyone tell me please.

I use a Samsung Cam recorder. I haven’t any problems using it in the daytime, but when it comes to videos at night I seem to end up with less than average footage. I often video an Artiste on stage and the reproduction is not as it should be. I have a couple of times recently noticed other people using a video with a small light producing, gadget on the side of the cam video. Has any one any experience of these? and is it a part/extra that can be purchased for an existing model. Plus if so is the reproduction worth the investment?

La Marina

Guardamar Beach

It was packed at Guardamar today you could not move. Had all the family their with us from Scotland and they loved it. We had a lovely lunch at one of the bars on the promenade and really chilled out. We all enjoyed our day and shall be trying La Marina beach tomorrow as friends have said that this is also a lovely beach and less crowded.
If there is anyone who has any other suggestions on any nice beaches that are not too far please let me know. Thanks


Benimar Business For Sale

FOR SALE - TRASPASO - Fabulous American themed Bar/Restaurant situated in Benimar, Benijofar. Includes all fixtures, fittings and memorabilia. Low monthly rent for premises. Outside terrace area, ground floor restaurant area and bar, fully fitted kitchen and large storage room, first floor restaurant and bar. Very popular all year round. Email [email protected] for more information.

Do you know how long the lease is for, and how many years was the business operating and is it still opened now?

Commented chrishenrick in Almoradi 2011-07-09 16:17:31 UTC

Hi Benijofar life,
Can you send me an email to let me know how much money is the business going for, how long is the lease etc. Many thanks

Commented babyfour in Torrevieja 2011-07-10 15:42:00 UTC

Hi, Does anyone know what month the night market in Guardamar ends? I have some family coming at the begining of October and am not sure if it will still be on. If not can you recommend any others.

La Marina

Horse Riding

Dose anyone have any information about the Horse riding stables down towards Torrevieja it is on the right hand side of the N332 close to La Mata. It can be seen just a bit further over from the grape vines it has a very long white wall. Used to know its name.
Am also looking for any other Equestrian Centre that does riding on any of the Beaches.

La Marina

Royal Caribbean Cruise Offer

Fabulous offer from Royal Caribbean for a 12 night cruise on 10th October, sailing from Barcelona and calling at Messina (Sicily), Corfú, Istanbul, Pireo (Athens), Palermo (Sicily) and returning to Barcelona.
From just 705€ per person, taxes included!
Call us to book on 966761492


Do you get transport included in the price to Barcelona?

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-07-10 09:27:49 UTC